Felt Wallet

Just a plain ol' felt wallet with embroidery floss and an elastic band

Posted by Mozz K.


I really needed a wallet a year ago so I went to the store and bout some 40 cent felt sheets, 30 cent embroidery floss, and a dollar on an elastic band. With everything added up I think it cost me a whole 3 dollars and has so far lasted me a year and a half now. I just looked at an American Apparel wallet that my friend and kinda used that as a basis for this. I learned a lot about felt from doing this, and I think for the first sewing project I have ever done it came out alright. The only part that was a pain in the butt is that there are parts of this where there are three or four layers of felt so it was tough to embroider, So to anyone else I would not suggest felt for this, next time I'll probably use canvas.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 3 packets Craft Felt
  • 2 packets Embroidery Floss
  • Elastic Band(s) I don't like walets that flop open