Cut Out + Keep

Felt Poppy

Cute little pin poppy for ur coat, bag or scarf! • Posted by English Ginger

I made this poppy for the Rememberance Day in England (Sunday 11th November). I love it so much to want to pin it to a pretty top or a scarf/coat when I'm out and about. I also have a cute bag with poppies already so I can pin it to that too!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium pb090003


I made this poppy for the Rememberance Day in England (Sunday 11th November). I love it so much to want to pin it to a pretty top or a scarf/coat when I'm out and about. I also have a cute bag with poppies already so I can pin it to that too!


  1. Small pb090001

    I cut all the pieces out by guesswork, only looking at a poppy photo in google images. I hand sewed a safety pin to the back of the big red petal and the leaf together first. Then with some black thread I sewed the black middle cirle on together with the smaller black petal inbetween. Cute and easy!