Felt Flowers

fun and easy project that you will love

Posted by abby allen a.


I like this project a lot because it takes little time i hope u like it too (sorry for crapy pics my camra broke I had to use a phone)


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Pen(s)
  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Glue
  • 1 Felt Sheets
  • 1 Foam Sheets
  • 3 Round Object

Steps (6 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    gather ur supplies
    .3 round objects
    .nail polish bottle
    sorry I relized u need a nail polish bottle when i was making it when I was making it

  2. 2

    put ur round objects from big to little,
    okay now we can start get ur felt and get the biggest and nail polish bottle and tace the parimeter of the biggest and turn the nail polish bottle upside down inside the cicle u made now trace that it should look kind of like mine

  3. 3

    cut it and do the same thing with each size circle
    turn them over and it should look like this

  4. 4

    take ur largest shape, trace it, and cut it out get glue all of them together it should go the one with no hole ,big shape ,medium shape ,and then the little shape
    it should look like this

  5. 5

    now to make the leaf u can ether use felt or foam i like the foam better u can goggle pics of leaves or just draw it but mine looks like this

  6. 6

    glue the leaf on the flower and voila its finished u can add clips or bobby pins on the back but u need hot glue