Cut Out + Keep

Felt Cupcake

A cupcake application to put on bags or clothes. • Posted by Dian

I like to make new things ,i made this from felt, cut the pattern, to make pattern i look for something on internet and draw something similar, i will upload more felt stuff i do. you can put this on your clothes, bags and to make some gifts. to make the face, sew it and add some beads to make the eyes. I sew it in a sewing machine but you can sew with hands, i cut the extra fabric this is to join the pieces of felt together this is optional you can put with hot glue it works good too.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium p8260713 1285662688 Medium p8270732 1285662749 Medium p8280799 1285663490


I like to make new things ,i made this from felt, cut the pattern, to make pattern i look for something on internet and draw something similar, i will upload more felt stuff i do. you can put this on your clothes, bags and to make some gifts. to make the face, sew it and add some beads to make the eyes. I sew it in a sewing machine but you can sew with hands, i cut the extra fabric this is to join the pieces of felt together this is optional you can put with hot glue it works good too.
