Cut Out + Keep

Felt Bunny :D

A cute lil felt bunny :] • Posted by Yaoichou™

I made this pink felt bunny with my partner who was supposed to be making one aswell but gave up lol (hes not very crafty) I'm gonna make lots more of them and turn them into keyrings and stuff. In the other picture I'm wearing bunny as a necklace, I think it looks kinda decora :]

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0007 1252440371 Medium dscf0005 1252441388


I made this pink felt bunny with my partner who was supposed to be making one aswell but gave up lol (hes not very crafty) I'm gonna make lots more of them and turn them into keyrings and stuff. In the other picture I'm wearing bunny as a necklace, I think it looks kinda decora :]
