Cut Out + Keep

Felt Ball Garland

A simple, sweet garland to add some personality to your room. • Posted by Ella - Paper Umbrella Blog

This is one of those projects that is best done while binge watching a guilty pleasure TV show. That way you don't get bored, but you also don't stab your fingers too many times in the process (I did plenty of that...). Making all of the balls is a bit time consuming, but it is well worth the end product! This garland can be hung anywhere to add a little personality. It's a great way to add a little pop of color to a space if you use brighter shades of wool.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


6 h 00


Medium garland title


This is one of those projects that is best done while binge watching a guilty pleasure TV show. That way you don't get bored, but you also don't stab your fingers too many times in the process (I did plenty of that...). Making all of the balls is a bit time consuming, but it is well worth the end product! This garland can be hung anywhere to add a little personality. It's a great way to add a little pop of color to a space if you use brighter shades of wool.


  1. 1) Pull out enough wool to make your ball (you can always add on more if it ends up being too small). 2) Roll the wool up into a tight ball. 3) Get your foam block and needle and begin poking away at your ball, making sure to correct its shape as you go if need be (watch out for your fingers!). Tighten up the ball as you go and add in pieces of felt to fill in the holes. It'll take a little while to get the hang of it, but you can do it! I have faith in you! 4) Keep poking until your ball is relatively firm and holds it's shape. 5) Once you have all of your balls (and have patched up all your battle wounds), begin stringing them together with your needle and thread. 6) Lastly, space the balls out. Be careful not to get everything all tangled!