Feathered Fan

what more can i say :)

Posted by miss cookie


with this fan you'll be sure to make a statement at that party or prom night

please post all of your comments and versions
and don't forget to add to your favs


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Glue
  • blue Feather(s)
  • paper Folding Fan
  • Blue Paint
  • Sequins
  • Glitter

Steps (6 steps, 1200 minutes)

  1. 1

    paint the hard edge of the fan in blue paint (see photos)
    and stick on gold sequins

  2. 2

    smother the paper area of the fan in glue and be gentle its delicate

  3. 3

    stick on those feathers in every gap
    you may need to re apply glue

  4. 4

    you shouldn't be able to see the white of the paper

  5. 5

    apply a touch of glue to the bottom of the feathers and sprinkle on some glitter

    allow to dry

  6. 6


    love miss cookie