• Posted by Abi C.
Perfect for any summer event - festivals, parties, beaches etc :D
Perfect for any summer event - festivals, parties, beaches etc :D
Start by shaping 2 small eye pins, unless you have them in your supplies. I just got a small piece of wire and with some needle nose pliers bent it round into a circle at the top.
Then measure out how much feather you want. And trim.
Now remove the beads and put a little glue inside then add the feather, then turn the bead the other way and put a little more glue inside and put the eye pin in the bead too. Repeat to the other feather.
Let them both dry, open the hoop at the base of the earring piece. Remember to open it sideways and not outwards so that not to distort the circle. Put the feather piece onto the earring piece and close with the pliers
Tada finished :D