Favor Baskets

Tinkered Treasures

Posted by FW Media


Visit your local paint seller and you will be greeted with a panorama of neatly displayed paint chips: the cards that show a range of related paint colors available from a manufacturer. As sturdy as they are colorful, these cards are perfect for folding, snipping, and taping into small favor baskets


You Will Need (11 things)

  • Two Paint Chips strips per basket
  • Pretty Paper
  • Ribbon or trimming
  • Cabochons or gems
  • Marker or pen
  • Scissors
  • Clear Tape or pretty label
  • Large Paper Punch
  • Glue Stick
  • Craft Glue
  • Wax Paper to protect work surface

Steps (5 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    Fold one three-color paint chip into
    thirds; use a marker or a pen as a
    folding tool to crease the folds well.
    Rotate the paint chip and fold into thirds
    the other way, again making hard creases
    using your pen.

  2. 2

    Place the paint chip color-side down.
    Cut two slits in from each side, one
    along each crease to the point where it
    meets the first crease running the other
    way. This will total four slits.

  3. 3

    Bend the sides of the middle section
    up, then bend the sides of the two
    outer sections up and toward each other
    to form a box. Secure the flaps discreetly
    with clear tape or use a pretty label.

  4. 4

    Create a handle by trimming a
    narrow strip from a second paint
    chip. Secure one end inside the box with
    tape. Arc the strip over the box and secure
    on the other side.

  5. 5

    Decorate the box with one of
    the following ideas: use a large
    decorative paper punch to cut a shape
    from pretty paper and fix with a light
    application of glue stick; glue a piece of
    trim or ribbon along the front; tie a piece
    of twine or ribbon around the center of
    the handle; add cabochons or gems.

    TINKER TIP Practice on
    a less-than-favorite color
    chip first and set this
    aside to be your pattern.

    FANCY THIS Fill with
    small rocks or stones for
    use as decorative indoor
    balloon weights.