Cut Out + Keep

Faux Tattoo Necklace

Based on Faux Tattoo Necklace by Aurore • Posted by Desert_Rose

It was so easy to make, and so much fun!!! I used coloured pencils to colour in the heart, and I also just traced it from the original. Only difference is that I took out the ribbon that went across it, because my geekiness demanded that I make an anatomically correct heart necklace. :)

You will need


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn0685 Medium dscn0686


It was so easy to make, and so much fun!!! I used coloured pencils to colour in the heart, and I also just traced it from the original. Only difference is that I took out the ribbon that went across it, because my geekiness demanded that I make an anatomically correct heart necklace. :)
