Cut Out + Keep

Faux Broken Glass Earrings

Looks like broken glass, but acctually these recycled earrings are made from a plastic spoon! • Posted by __Mel__

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 25


Pretty Easy
Medium 111011 182101 1318375394



  1. Small 1 1 1318376146

    Take a clear plastic spoon and scribble on it w/ Sharpies (optional)

  2. Small 1 2 1318421064

    It should look something like this

  3. Small 1 3 1318421121

    Some very sharp scissors and stuar cutting away at the spoon. Make sure you are doing it over a bowl or a cup, because pieces of plastic will be flying... Also watch out for your eyes

  4. Small 1 4 1318421275

    Once you are satasfied with your "Glass Cuttings" pick two that are relitively the same, those will be your earrings

  5. Small 1 5 1318448242

    This part is kind of tricky, Take your emboridery floss, and cut it to about one inch Then glue one end of it with crazy glue to the back of the earring. Thread it onto a needle and pull it through an earring finding. Now glue the other side of the string to the back of the earring... I hope you understand that :)

  6. Small 111011 182101 1318448647

    Do that to the other side, and you now have a new pair of recycled earrings!