Faux Bricks
because I am to cheap to purchase real ones!
Posted by PunkinsBabie
We live in an old shotgun house that has been converted into a duplex. I wanted a fireplace and it did not have one, so I figured out how to make one. The bricks were something I thought of because I am way to cheap to buy brick pavers. Let me know if you have any questions....
You Will Need (6 things)
- Object / Something To Decorate
- 1 disposable bowl full of Sand
- as many Craft Paint as you need to get color you want for bricks and grout
- several Paint Brush besure one of them is big, cheap and disposable
- 1 Cardboard Box
- 1 Elmer's Elmer's Glue
Steps (8 steps, 120 minutes)
Get your cardboard box you want to cut up for the base of the bricks. mine are not exactly measured but a rough guess is about 6" x 2.5". Draw your pattern onto the cardboard where you want to cut. Don't worry if they are not straight when you cut them, bricks are not straight.
These are what my bricks looked like once I cut the cardboard apart
I am painting a picture I have named if walls could talk. Its kind of morbid. This painting is the base i am using for the bricks this time. I glued them kind of staggered, some I ripped the corners off of, some are smaller than others. I do not think that bricks are perfect, the flaws and use of them, give them character. Be sure that the glue is totally and completely dry before you move on to the next part or you will have a sliding mess
I do not have an image for this part, I will explain it. Get your sand, elmers glue, disposable bowl and disposable paint brush.... We are going to give your brick texture!!! With your sand in your bowl, add some glue and STIR. Then add more glue, and STIR, being sure that you scrape the bottom of the bowl to get all your sand. The texture you want is almost like a pancake batter. If it turns in to a glue cement ball, add a little bit of water to break it down a little. You don't want it runny, but you dont want it like almost dried cement either. Once your glue & sand mixture are the texture and consistency you want, grab your brush and start coating your cardboard bricks and what ever you are decorating. The sand and glue mixture will ooze down in to the open areas where you have no cardboard. If after the first coat, the bricks are not exactly what you want, paint another coat of the sand and glue mixture only on the brick part. Let this dry completely.... Over night is good.
the colors I used for my grout are Mississippi Mud, desert sand and black. The colors I used for the Brick are black and dark red. Start with your brick when painting, this is because the grout color will cover any paint that you get from the brick onto the "grout" area. Lay down a coat of Dark Red paint, dont be stingy, the glue and sand will make the paint hard to spread if you do not use enough. Now, take you paint brush, dip it in black and blend it into the red in areas on the brick. This will give it a more realistic look. Do this to all of your bricks, let them dry
For the grout, I did a dark beigy-grayish color. That is what grout looks like to me... Once the bricks are dry, take a paint brush that is about the same width as the "grout area" between your bricks and paint away. Its ok if it gets on the brick, it add charisma.......
This is our cat Lovegroove Fishmouse Dixon, she loves paint, paint brushes, walking across my paintings while they are still wet, attacking my brush while I am painting (good times). We adopted her from the animal shelter in the city we live in, she paw signed the painting I am working on meow, this did NOT as character to my painting..... rrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ok, well, hopefully your FauX Bricks added some texture, character, style, covered a hole you put in the wall you are trying to hid... What ever you do this for, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you have any questions...