Father's Day In, On And After Garden Set

Put together your own assortment for Dad

Posted by Louise P.



You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 x Bucket
  • 1 x 2cm Sellotape
  • 5 x A4 Paper
  • 1 x 1cm Double Sided Tape
  • 1 x small Rug
  • Selection Of Dad's Favourites Gifts

Steps (2 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Buy a selection of dad's favourite goodies.
    Download the labels from Martha Stewart. Using a printer resize chosen label where needed.
    I stuck mine over existing labels with double sided tape.
    Using a rubber stamp style font I labelled the reverse on the lables with the contents.
    I bought a cheap builder's Bucket and a cheap rug. I cut the rug to fit the diameter of the bucket. Then folded 3/4s of the way up and sewed in pockets and attached it to the bucket. The remaining rug material made a padded bucket handle and a hand cloth, both having seams neatened with a sewing machine.

  2. 2

    The favourites I chose were:
    Beer, Nuts, Olives, Dark Chocolate, Fortune Cookies, Earl Grey Tea.
    Garden theme:
    Magnet backed 'to do' list, Tin with Garden gloves, twine and dibber.
    Sticky backed pen holder and pen in tin lid.