
Armed and Dangerous..

Posted by DarkShadowfax


Done when I had a lot of spare time xD

Named after the Fatalis, a Monster Hunter creature. It's an Elder Dragon, and the White Fatalis is the strongest of the Fatalis Trio.

I'm almost certain its 15hrs+ because I had to find out how to do it.
And because I have short forearms, 350 scales is a minimum for a 5ft tall person. (350 scales is for 1 arm!)
Some people also like to use 2 pliers, but 1 of them is good enough.

I'm out of scales too, so I won't be uploading a how-to for a long time, sorry folks.
Buying scales costs me 25~50 bucks each time, and I'm really broke >_>


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Leather Cord
  • 350 Scales
  • 800 Split Rings
  • 1 Pliers
  • Metal Chain