Fast Relief For Glue Gun Burns!

You will not win dear glue gun!

Posted by CahrazzyMe


This is a fast easy way to get relief from those pesky little burns we tend to get from glue guns. It may not happen often, but when it does it HURTS! Am I right?

So right after you burn yourself and you're hollering in pain, instead of just running it under cold water, you can use a cold bag of tea to find peace.

And the great thing about this, you can use it for any kind of burns you have! It's nice and cold so it stops the hurting + it's good for your skin!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Cold Water
  • Tea Bag
  • Cup
  • Ice

Steps (3 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Okay, real easy.

    Just get your tea bag (I like to use green tea!) and just dip it in some cold water a few times. If you wish to use some ice to get it really cold you can.. You should! (:

  2. 2

    So now, wherever your burn is, in this case on my finger! Ouch! :0 Just place the cold soaked tea bag on like so.....................

  3. 3

    And ahhhh...
    Nice cooling relief. It's like I never got a burn in the first place (=
    Extra plus! You can drink the tea when you're all done! (:
    Hope this helps some of you!

    Birdy <3