Made from stuff I already had.
The fascinator is held into the hair by a comb placed on the back.
You need:
1. A hair comb.
2. A rosette (you can make one or buy one)
3. A length of lace
4. Ribbon
5. A needle and thread.
Mirriam Rachele favorited Fascinator From A Flower Brooch. 25 Oct 10:20
Step 1
First, wrap ribbon around the base of a comb so that it goes in between the teeth. It should cover the base with fabric. Secure the ends by sewing them down on the back side of the comb.
Step 2
Next, sew lace around the perimeter of the rosette. Don't make it too scrunched up or it won't poof out like in the picture.
Step 3
Sew the lace-edged rosette onto the comb in such a way that the finished product will stay in your hair. If you wish to add decorations to the rosette (as I might later), you can. Beads, sequins, glitter, and feathers are all good options.
Hopefully I made the project clear; after all, i don't have any pictures of the procedure.