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False Tattoo

Sharpie drawing of a Sailor Jerry-esque Pinup girl on my arm • Posted by Alyssadawnn

I drew a Sailor Jerry inspired pinup girl on my arm first with pen, outlined in sharpie, then smudged it with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. I wish this tat was real! <3

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 271636 2125853069192 1331859577 2449454 4873743 o 1308852515 Medium photo on 2011 06 22 at 17.20  2 1308852528


I drew a Sailor Jerry inspired pinup girl on my arm first with pen, outlined in sharpie, then smudged it with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. I wish this tat was real! <3
