Cut Out + Keep

Fake It 'til You Can Make It

Fake it 'til you can make it • Posted by Style Wilderness

Fur (fake, of course!) trim can look really glamorous, even on the plainest of garments. If you've got a cardigan or jacket that could do with that little extra something, give this temporary makeover a go - no sewing needed!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 107010 2f2015 01 22 052708 jkt5 Medium 107010 2f2015 01 22 053812 undefined


Fur (fake, of course!) trim can look really glamorous, even on the plainest of garments. If you've got a cardigan or jacket that could do with that little extra something, give this temporary makeover a go - no sewing needed!


  1. Cut the fake fur to whatever width you like, although about 20cm is probably the most manageable and flattering.

  2. Small dsc 1652

    Line up the center of the fur strip with the center back of the jacket and use a safety pin (or loose hand stitch) to attach fur to inside of jacket. Match up ends of fur with front edges of jacket and pin/hand stitch. Then pin/hand stitch the rest of the fur to the jacket so it stays in place and no gaps can be seen from the outside of the jacket.

  3. Finished! And if you need to wash the jacket or the fur separately, or want the jacket plain again, you can just remove the fur.