Cut Out + Keep

Fairy Lights

Recycling old fairy lights into exciting new ones! • Posted by Nathalie P.

I made these fairy lights as a house warming gift for my sister, they were red and black to match her kitchen (she has a small obsession with red!) but would look pretty in any colour. They are really easy to make but take a bit of patience, so take your time. I think making 1 or 2 in an evening for a week or so is the best way (not all on a sunday in a rush like I did....). To me, fairy lights arn't as exciting as they were when I was 15 so I think this is a great way to recycle old boring fairy lights into something new! I can't wait to see your versions :)

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
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I made these fairy lights as a house warming gift for my sister, they were red and black to match her kitchen (she has a small obsession with red!) but would look pretty in any colour. They are really easy to make but take a bit of patience, so take your time. I think making 1 or 2 in an evening for a week or so is the best way (not all on a sunday in a rush like I did....). To me, fairy lights arn't as exciting as they were when I was 15 so I think this is a great way to recycle old boring fairy lights into something new! I can't wait to see your versions :)


  1. Small img 0816 1311498369

    Get your 'ingredients' together, saves searching round the house every 5 mins for the next thing. Admittedly I got my fairy lights from b+q in the sale. Take off the original decorations, mine had pink fluff with I cut off with scissors. This gives you a nice fresh start!

  2. Small img 0811 1311498438

    Cut a flower and middle template from cereal box card.

  3. Small img 0813 1311498625

    Cut the flower and middle out of the felt and glue the middle on. I wanted to sew mine on but got fed up with it moving, so I glued it on and then sewed round the middles edges to make it look neater.

  4. Small img 0817 1311499152

    Decorate the flower however you like, for this one I used simple blanket stitch around the edge because the felt is quite exciting itself.

  5. Small img 0820 1311498884

    For this one I used beads...

  6. Small img 0823 1311498938

    For this one I used glitter glue...

  7. Small img 0818 1311499216

    Once you have enough flowers for lights, decied what order you want them to go in (so not all the reds are together etc) and sew the flowers on. Lay the fairy lights on a table and then sew them on so all the flowers end up the right way.

  8. Small img 0829 1311499918

    Ta daaaaa!! FINISHED! Well done :)