Faerie Mask

paper mache 2liter faerie mask

Posted by 0range_rayne


my paper mache faerie mask. i made this just for fun. newspaper, glitter, light green nail polish as paint. i used a 2 liter plastic bottle for the wings, added ribbon, sequins, and beads for added detail.

sorry the picture quality is bad, my camera is crap. but i am still thank full i have one. a crappy one is better than nothing.
*edit* added a new main image. i got me a new camera for my birthday so i thought i would add a nicer image ^_^

i also have a black cat mask, a tiger mask, a demon mask, a greek mask, and a random abstract mask. one day i will make me a goblin mask,.

ooh yeah please ignore the time, i made the mask in stages, drying the paper mache took long. and while it was drying i worked on other projects. so i dont exactly know how long it took me ^_^


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 1 Plastic Bottle 2liter
  • Ribbon
  • 1 Newspaper
  • 1 Glitter Sequins Paint
  • 1 Glue