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Face Painting Design

face painting, painting, face design • Posted by Zita J. V.

I did face-painting because I was bored :D Heres a tutorial on how to make this thing :)(I couldn't make 7 tear-drop things fit in the tutorial pictures, so I made them 3... but use the main picture as the real example!!!!)

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I did face-painting because I was bored :D Heres a tutorial on how to make this thing :)(I couldn't make 7 tear-drop things fit in the tutorial pictures, so I made them 3... but use the main picture as the real example!!!!)


  1. Small face painting 1274310254

    Ok, so I dont know how to draw a face, and I know this is a tutorial from the other side... *sighs* oh well. Its my first tutorial, so if I mess up, please tell me! :D 1) First you lay out everything you have in whichever colors you want, mainly glitter, face-paint in at least three colors, and brushes. You begin by making a bean-shaped blob on the person's face with your main color (this case pink)(a little hard to do this on yourself... I had another person do this on me and take a picture :D

  2. Small face painting 1274310374

    2) Next you take another color (this case black) and making three even-sized little tear-shaped drops sideways, leaving space between them. (ugh! this picture is messed up!)

  3. Small face painting 1274310458

    3) Take the same color and make two wavy-lines, and three little dots in front of or in the back of the wavy lines :)

  4. Small face painting 1274310508

    4) Next take your third color (this case green- white wouldn't have shown up on this, sorry) and make three identical tear-droplets, like you did in step 2, except in between the other 3 droplets

  5. Small face painting 1274310637

    5) Next you take the same color and just put 3 dots somewhere opposite of the other 6 little black dots, and bigger

  6. Small face painting 1274310313

    6) Next you take your second color and make smaller dots inside the bigger (green) dots, and then, if you want, you can put glitter on it, and let it dry. Hope you enjoyed my first tutorial! :D