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Fabric Roses

Based on Fabric Roses by Melynda T. • Posted by MidnightZombieCherry

Hi there! I hope you like this double fabric rose hair accesorry. :) What I did was make 2 roses, than instead of a fabric circle underneath them to hold them together I used an oblong circle and slightly overlapped the roses. Than just glue gun the barrette thing underneath and listo!

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0 h 25


Nice & Simple
Medium sany0291 1289347421 Medium sany0293 1289347967 Medium sany0298 1289348618 Medium sany1296 1289348860


Hi there! I hope you like this double fabric rose hair accesorry. :) What I did was make 2 roses, than instead of a fabric circle underneath them to hold them together I used an oblong circle and slightly overlapped the roses. Than just glue gun the barrette thing underneath and listo!
