• Posted by Cat Morley
Before you begin, you will need to download the page pdf above and print this out on to thick paper or card, make 15 of these initially.
Designate a page per colour and colour in a tab on the right with that colour. One tab per page.
Cut off the remaining tabs that you did not colour.
Cut a small square from your fabric.
Stick this to the page and write in it's details below: fabric type, fabric colour, amount you have in your stash and where you bought it from.
Label the fabric with a code, and then place a tab on to the fabric with the corresponding code. Continue this with the rest of your fabric.
Make pages for all the colours and use any remaining tabs for things like felt, ribbon and trimmings.
Now, download the <a href="/photos/howto/misc/fabricbrochure/cover.pdf">cover pdf</a> and print this out on to coloured card. Place this on the front of your brochure and a second, blank bit of card, at the back.
Punch holes through the entire stack and slip on a couple of jump rings. Now you're ready to get organized.