Cut Out + Keep

Express Yourself To The World Through Chalk

Have an exhibition of your art for free • Posted by Ruthie toothie

I could spend all day everyday doing this for the rest of my life and i dont think i would ever get bored. well maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


12 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn2414 1251108586


I could spend all day everyday doing this for the rest of my life and i dont think i would ever get bored. well maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration.


  1. Small 750px chalk 1251108656

    Get a big box of chalk. you will need loads if you want to do this all day. Thin sticks of chalk will work but can break easily so i recommend chubby chalk if you dont want to keep grazing your fingers

  2. Small dscn2415 1251108868

    gather inspiration. cartoons, doodles of your friends family and pets, your view on government, things you want to remind the public of, random words you like, trace your body, hands or feet, mark out crime scenes, draw a sofa to sit on, draw your imaginary friend and if possible bring a stereo, record player, ipod or any kind of music with you for more inspiration

  3. Small dscn2424 1251109472

    find your canvas. create. then record your work and reactions people gave when they saw it. If your feeling generous why not share your chalk with passersby? you make new friends, more art to record and you have done your good deed for the day. P.S. i had better ideas and pics but they are on my mobile phone and ive lost the cable so i cant upload them to my computer. when i find it ill put them up. Hope you enjoy! ^^