Cut Out + Keep

Evil Dolly Love

Sweet n' Sinister • Posted by Kat H.

I wanted to create something creepy but sweet so I thought of little dollies being sweet, so I put the little red hearts in lipstick lined with black eyeliner on my cheeks similar to little red circles some dolls have. Then to add and edge I harshened my eyebrows by dashing them with black eyelined lines. Then I mixed some black eyeshadow with the red lipstick to create a faded effect to portray "tainted" lips. Dollies usually have these rosy pinkish lips and I found this looked beautiful but edgy. For the final touch I did a triple winged eye to convey false eyelashes. Then I simply put on a few coats of mascara.

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Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 37762 1226939012543 1801089481 462610 4917140 n 1286944160


I wanted to create something creepy but sweet so I thought of little dollies being sweet, so I put the little red hearts in lipstick lined with black eyeliner on my cheeks similar to little red circles some dolls have. Then to add and edge I harshened my eyebrows by dashing them with black eyelined lines. Then I mixed some black eyeshadow with the red lipstick to create a faded effect to portray "tainted" lips. Dollies usually have these rosy pinkish lips and I found this looked beautiful but edgy. For the final touch I did a triple winged eye to convey false eyelashes. Then I simply put on a few coats of mascara.
