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Ethnic Ribbon Necklaces

Ethnic neclaces, made with textile ribbon beads • Posted by Rozantia P.

I made some fabric beads, using textile ribbon. To make the tubes, I glued the ribbon to drinking straw or sewed both sides by sewing on seed beads. I added more beads and jewelry finds to make the other charms/pendants. They look ethnic and this is fashionable right now. Gluing and sewing the beads was the hardest part but designing them was great!

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


4 h 00


Medium dsc07758 Medium dsc07782


I made some fabric beads, using textile ribbon. To make the tubes, I glued the ribbon to drinking straw or sewed both sides by sewing on seed beads. I added more beads and jewelry finds to make the other charms/pendants. They look ethnic and this is fashionable right now. Gluing and sewing the beads was the hardest part but designing them was great!
