Cut Out + Keep

Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie

Based on Emily Strange Inspired Plushthingie by FrolleinKram • Posted by deathsseraphim

i used scraps to make this and other stuff i had laying around. took me longer to make this than the original creator as im a perfectionist and could not get happy when i did the nose and mouth so i wound up taking it out 4 or so times and redoing it.

You will need


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium emily the strange inspired kitty plushy keychain 1242267037 Medium emily the strange inspired kitty plushy keychain  2  1242267046 Medium emily the strange inspired kitty plushy keychain  1  1242267056


i used scraps to make this and other stuff i had laying around. took me longer to make this than the original creator as im a perfectionist and could not get happy when i did the nose and mouth so i wound up taking it out 4 or so times and redoing it.
