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Ella A Crochet Blanket

A quick, elegant baby blanket • Posted by RoJo

A very easy crochet baby blanket for Ella. Born July 2011. Crochet 7 rounds for each square in the following: 4 pink 4 purple 4 cream Sew them together using leftover yarn and a running stitch. Crochet a daisy chain border around - slip stitch, chain 3 and then single crochet into the 3 stitch from hook and repeat, chain 3, skip 3 stitches and single crochet into the next stitch.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img00243 20110504 1529 1321793318


A very easy crochet baby blanket for Ella. Born July 2011. Crochet 7 rounds for each square in the following: 4 pink 4 purple 4 cream Sew them together using leftover yarn and a running stitch. Crochet a daisy chain border around - slip stitch, chain 3 and then single crochet into the 3 stitch from hook and repeat, chain 3, skip 3 stitches and single crochet into the next stitch.
