Edgar Allan Poe

Oh so Moody

Posted by Azraels Requiem


This is my Edgar Allan Poe doll. He has always been one of my favorite authors so I figured why not make a Edgar doll!?! I started in the same fashion as all my other dolls, a plastic ball with clay added to make a face (See my Trash Cat for a more full idea) Once his face was dry and i filled in the cracks I contemplated his hair. I had a packet of Crayola model magic and I sculpted his hair with that. I made his body with a small block of balsa wood and made his arms, neck and legs out of wooden dowels and wire. His hands are made of a small amount of air drying clay and his clothes were made by my "idea keeper" out of various bits of cloth I had laying around. His desk is wood, his candle is wood and wax, his book I carved myself using a Dremel Stylus (always use safety glasses), the inkwell is a small glass bottle and the quill pen I carved out of balsa with an exacto blade.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Assorted Found Objects
  • Wire
  • Wood
  • Assorted Fabric Scraps
  • Plastic Ball
  • Crayola Model Magic black
  • Air Dry Clay
  • Acrylic Paint