Ecofriendly Ring Boxes

Adding character to our shipping stuff while saving resources !

Posted by microbio


Do you make rings ? How do you pack and mail them ?
OK, those commercial boxes do the job quite well, they are resistant and reusable too but…they lack character! I felt this myself as I have decided to open my own shop on dawanda to sell handmade bags and matching rings and as I kept struggling with the ideal ring mailer it just occurred to me that if I cherish handmade so much my packaging should reflect that as well, so I came up with the solution to this –handmade eco-friendly ring boxes! These are eco-friendly as one ring box can be because they are “carved” out of egg containers(the very same you buy in your local supermarket with eggs inside), very resistant to mail transit, cost effective and adaptable to your ring style and size. There are no two of these alike so they are original with lots of character –they reflect the very spirit of handmade, right ? So, let’s make them!


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 Cutting Knife
  • Table

Steps (9 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    This is all you need:
    -egg containers (each six egg container is good for making three of these boxes);
    -a sharp cutter (replace your blade for this work);
    -a cutting mat
    -a solid and flat table

  2. 2

    Cut your egg container in 3 like in the picture

  3. 3

    Cut those 3 pieces and you’ll have six small containers

  4. 4

    Take 2 of those, mark them with a pencil
    a) At 1,5 cm –will be your “ring tray” part

    b) At 2 cm – will be your “cover tray” part

  5. 5

    5 – Proceed cutting (with confidence!). You can see alternative methods for cutting these containers, experiment a bit and don’t worry if you ruin one or two ;) The most important here is the sharpness of your cutter and your table so that cuts are clean and precise. Check measurements often (see #4) as a guide to you . Imperfections are also welcome here since that’s part of a handmade job together with the ring and should be appreciated from a buyers point of view. At the end of this process you should have 2 compatible parts per ring box (see #7). You can make 3 out of one container remember ?

  6. 6

    Alternative cutting method. Proceed.

  7. 7

    Tadaah! One finished container. Now, for the “bells and whistles” , read on…

  8. 8

    Since I am sure you don’t want your ring goes jumping inside the box from your home to final destination, I suggest you fill your “cover tray” part with a bit of stuffing material, there a couple of materials good for this, try out a bit…

  9. 9

    You can think about a lot of cute decorations here, remember though these are ring mailers so you should keep them as flat as possible. I came up with these two :)

    I am the number ONE fan of these boxes so I will definitely use them for shipping my rings.
    Comments are always welcome. Feel free
    microbio, Mai 2011.