Cut Out + Keep

Eco Cereal Box Book

Based on Eco Cereal Box Book by DulceKnits • Posted by Gaby A.

Well I wanted to do this but the box i had originally was a family-sized Frosted Flakes! So I found a Tuna helper box in my big ol' pile of cardboard saved from my fabulous college student diet [XD] and started working. I suck at cutting and the pages I used were some wrinkled pages I saved because I hate to throw out paper so the paper was my most troublesome area. BUT all in all I gave myself a C in my self assessment! I'll just do better the next attempt! In the end I decided to make it an Apothecary book as I am studying herbs as of recent. I also wanted to cover up the stitching so I made a flowery collage as the cover and lined the insides with scrap piece of paper. I even added to make shift pockets :]

You will need


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn1855 1280211551 Medium dscn1870 1280212062 Medium dscn1866 1280211669 Medium dscn1869 1280211724 Medium dscn1853 1280212088


Well I wanted to do this but the box i had originally was a family-sized Frosted Flakes! So I found a Tuna helper box in my big ol' pile of cardboard saved from my fabulous college student diet [XD] and started working. I suck at cutting and the pages I used were some wrinkled pages I saved because I hate to throw out paper so the paper was my most troublesome area. BUT all in all I gave myself a C in my self assessment! I'll just do better the next attempt! In the end I decided to make it an Apothecary book as I am studying herbs as of recent. I also wanted to cover up the stitching so I made a flowery collage as the cover and lined the insides with scrap piece of paper. I even added to make shift pockets :]
