Easy Vinyl Stickers
Spice things up with stickers!
Posted by Maria Isabel
I saw a project like this in the OnePearlButton blog and tried my hand at making my own.
You Will Need (2 things)
- 1 Contact Paper
- Permanent Marker
Steps (5 steps, 10 minutes)
1-First I made some drawings I wanted to turn into stickers
I cut a piece of conatct paper big enough to fit my desired drawing. I placed the clear vinyl (or contact paper, whatever you like to call it) over my drawing and secured it with a little piece of tape. The tape is optional, but I strongly suggest it to prevent your vinyl from moving. Now trace your drawing with a permanent marker. I use Sharpies.
Now that my drawing is finished, I cut my drawing with scissors.
Now that your done you can place them anywhere. They are removable, so if you want to try some designs you can always use these stickers. I placed this fellow on my baby's crib.
I would love to see your version of this how-to!
This little guy ended up on my bulletin board as a friendly reminder.