Easy Vinyl Stickers

Spice things up with stickers!

Posted by Maria Isabel


I saw a project like this in the OnePearlButton blog and tried my hand at making my own.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 Contact Paper
  • Permanent Marker

Steps (5 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    1-First I made some drawings I wanted to turn into stickers

  2. 2

    I cut a piece of conatct paper big enough to fit my desired drawing. I placed the clear vinyl (or contact paper, whatever you like to call it) over my drawing and secured it with a little piece of tape. The tape is optional, but I strongly suggest it to prevent your vinyl from moving. Now trace your drawing with a permanent marker. I use Sharpies.

  3. 3

    Now that my drawing is finished, I cut my drawing with scissors.

  4. 4

    Now that your done you can place them anywhere. They are removable, so if you want to try some designs you can always use these stickers. I placed this fellow on my baby's crib.

    I would love to see your version of this how-to!

  5. 5

    This little guy ended up on my bulletin board as a friendly reminder.