• Posted by michael A.
Really easy, Really quick, and really quite meditative and FUN!!!!!
Really easy, Really quick, and really quite meditative and FUN!!!!!
Start by taping the image that you want to transfer. Tape over just the image you want. Here it was just the woman, so i just taped her. Also you could tape the image and then cut it out. ** DO NOT TAPE THE BACK!!!!
once you have all of the image taped, i like to take a pair of scissors to it and really seal the tape to the image. It helps with the process.
Place your taped images into a container of a water and let them sit until the magazine paper on the back of the image is soaked through. -While waiting for your image to soak, i usually make a lot.
Once the paper is throughly soaked you can pull them out of the water and start rubbing the back. This leaves you with just the transparent image.
Let them dry, and then enjoy!!