Easy Peasy Knotted Yarn


Posted by thebuzzingbee.


Just something simple and nice that I have originally created. Simple way to create a crocheted look a like. I have also used this project by making my own bracelet, ring and bookmark.

Anyways, I hope you like and enjoy my tut !!


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Scissors
  • Duct Tape
  • Yarn

Steps (6 steps, 1800 minutes)

  1. 1

    Firstly, Grab your equipment..
    Yarn, Duct Tape (or any other type of tape), Scissors.

  2. 2

    With your yarn, cut it multiple strands. Preferably 4-beyond. Also, with the strands, you may alter the length of it. My one was around 20cm..

  3. 3

    Once you've got your strands of yarn, use duct tape to secure them altogther. This will help when tying the knots.

  4. 4

    Time to knot!! With the two strands, on the right side, tie a knot. Once you've done this, continue tying knots across the strands.

  5. 5

    Your first row should end up like this.

  6. 6

    After a few tying, the strands of wool should eventually look like this. Continue tying , and you'll end up with a nice simple knotted yarn..

    Suggestions: Ring, Bracelet, Bookmark.