Cut Out + Keep

Easy Paper Holiday Garland : Holly

Easy Paper Greenery for the Winter Holidays • Posted by Shawnshawn D.

For this version, I wanted an easy, modern Christmas decoration. I chose classic Christmas colors, but feel free to experiment! You can dress this up or down to fit your own Christmas décor. This garland would look great in metallic scrapbook papers and satin ribbon, or even kraft paper and twine. It looks lovely draped across windows and doorways or around a Christmas tree. With a few clothespins, it can also serve as a hanger for Christmas cards. This project should be suitable for children you trust with scissors. If you are using hot glue rather than craft glue, I suggest adult supervision. You could certainly substitute more detailed berry and leaf shapes. NOTE: I estimated 1 cluster of leaves and berries for every six inches of length. You will need at least 2 leaves and 2 berries for each cluster. See how many leaves you get out of a sheet to know how many sheets of green you will need. I think I used about 5 sheets for 20 feet of garland.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2017 12 11 030232 dscf9965 Medium 2017 12 11 033229 dscf9957


For this version, I wanted an easy, modern Christmas decoration. I chose classic Christmas colors, but feel free to experiment! You can dress this up or down to fit your own Christmas décor. This garland would look great in metallic scrapbook papers and satin ribbon, or even kraft paper and twine. It looks lovely draped across windows and doorways or around a Christmas tree. With a few clothespins, it can also serve as a hanger for Christmas cards. This project should be suitable for children you trust with scissors. If you are using hot glue rather than craft glue, I suggest adult supervision. You could certainly substitute more detailed berry and leaf shapes. NOTE: I estimated 1 cluster of leaves and berries for every six inches of length. You will need at least 2 leaves and 2 berries for each cluster. See how many leaves you get out of a sheet to know how many sheets of green you will need. I think I used about 5 sheets for 20 feet of garland.


  1. Small 2017 12 11 032718 dscf9923

    Prep: Measure the space where you want to put your garland. You can use the ribbon you will be adding paper to or a piece of string or yarn, and drape it over the space like you would the garland, allowing for swags and hanging ends. I like to add at least 2-3 feet of extra ribbon at each end to tie or hold the garland with a small ribbon weight. In my example, it worked out to approximately the width of the space + 1 foot for each drape + 3 feet for each each end.

  2. Small 2017 12 11 031612 dscf9934

    Make your leaves. You will need at least 2 leaves for each cluster. I mixed and matched leaf sizes, but you can cut it however you like. I made a simple holly leaf with a long diamond shape.

  3. Small 2017 12 11 033424 dscf9931

    Fold a piece of green paper (8.5'' x 11”) into three sections (or 4 sections for smaller leaves) lengthwise. Cut the paper into strips along the folds. Then cut the paper at an angle across the strip to make the diamond shape. Shown on white paper for visibility.

  4. Small 2017 12 11 031810 dscf9939

    Fold the diamond shape from corner to corner lengthwise, then open, leaving the crease. Set these aside.

  5. Small 2017 12 11 033515 dscf9944

    Make your berries. You will need at least 2 berries for each cluster. I made a simple circle shape by cutting small squares and trimming the corners so they became octagons. You can use a circle cutter or paper punch or anything else to get a berry-like shape.

  6. Small 2017 12 11 032131 dscf9949

    I cut a piece of green paper (8.5'' x 11'') into strips ¾'' (or 2 cm) wide. Cut the strips into squares. Then trim the corners of the squares diagonally, just a small amount, to make the square more circular.

  7. Small 2017 12 11 032245 dscf9962

    Assemble! Heat up that hot glue gun. Put your leaves and berries in easy to reach piles. Use a heat proof surface and protect your work space with newspaper or aluminum fool.

  8. Small 2017 12 11 032333 dscf9952

    Apply hot glue to the BACK of a berry. Quickly add 2 leaves in a V shape. (Add more leaves now, if you like, but I suggest adding more berries after step 11.) Set aside. Repeat this for all of the leaves. After this, you should have half of the berries remaining.

  9. Measure and cut your ribbon (leave yourself extra if you can, just in case). Decide where you would like the clusters of leaves and berries to start.

  10. Small 2017 12 11 032509 dscf9953

    Apply hot glue to the back of one of the clusters from step 4. Lay the ribbon on top of the hot glue, between the top points of the V shape. Apply more glue on top of the ribbon if needed.

  11. Small 2017 12 11 032601 dscf9954

    Apply a single berry without leaves, front side up, to sandwich the ribbon between the single berry and the piece from step 4. Place the next cluster about 6'' from the first one. Repeat for the length of the ribbon.

  12. Small 2017 12 11 032925 dscf9957

    Allow to cool or dry completely before hanging. You can substitute more detailed leaves and berries. Simply use the same steps for assembly.