Easy Mosaic Photo Frame

A mosaic frame without any grouting.

Posted by groovylittlegirl


I have now uploaded a picture! This frame is very simple to make.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • 1 Stiff Cardboard
  • 1 Card
  • 1 Coloured Paper
  • 60 Mosaic Tiles
  • 1 Ribbon
  • PVA Glue
  • 1 Transparant Plastic Sheet
  • Digital Photograph(s) ( On A Computer)

Steps (10 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Arrange the tiles on the card in the shape you want your frame. Draw around this shape, keeping the pencil fairly tight to the edge.

  2. 2

    Take the tiles off the card and cut out the shape you have drawn.

  3. 3

    Glue the tiles back on to the frame.
    Turn over, so the tiles face down.

  4. 4

    Measure some of the clear plastic out, just enough to cover the hole, and go nearly to the edge of the frame. Glue on and leave to dry.

  5. 5

    When the glue is dry, make a loop with the ribbon, and glue onto the back of the frame.

  6. 6

    Measure out the thin card and paper in the same way as you did for the plastic, and glue together. this is so that the photo is backed in white, and the back of the frame is coloured.

  7. 7

    Glue the card?paper piece onto the frame, only glueing down 3 sides, and leaving an opening. the frame is now done.

  8. 8

    Work out the dimensions of the frame against a piece of A4 paper. use this as a guide to print out photos.

  9. 9

    To the back of each photo glue a strip of paper. this will serve as a tab for pulling th photos in and out. trim the tab, so that when the photo is fully inserted, the tab just reaches the end of the frame.

  10. 10

    Hang up with your cutest photo inside, to wow friends!