• Posted by Maria Isabel
I am a hoarder, I save every scrap of fabric thats left over from other projects. Ive been wanting to make Kanzashi flowers for a while, so I started with my scrap pile. They are so easy to make! This might not be the real "traditional" method of making these flowers, but rather an easy way I came up with after many experiments ( I like feeling like a crafty scientist!). Ok so here goes... Kanzashi Flower How-To!
I am a hoarder, I save every scrap of fabric thats left over from other projects. Ive been wanting to make Kanzashi flowers for a while, so I started with my scrap pile. They are so easy to make! This might not be the real "traditional" method of making these flowers, but rather an easy way I came up with after many experiments ( I like feeling like a crafty scientist!). Ok so here goes... Kanzashi Flower How-To!
Gather supplies:
With thre right side down, place a glue dot on the tip of one of the ends. Stick together oposite ends so that you are left with a triangle. Now that you have the right side of the fabric on top, place a dot of glue on the corner that had glue before.
Now fold the left corner until the tip is glued to the bottom tip. Place a dot of glue over this union.
Fold the Right corner so the tip get glued to the bottom tip.
Secure with a clothes pin until the glue dries.
Turn it around and place a tip of glue on the right and left corners.
Fold the tips to the center and press.
Now fold the fabric by the middle...
as shown.
Secure it with the Clothes Pin until it dries.
Cut the tip off the petal, make sure its straight!
Dab some glue on the freshly cut side...
and press it together with the clothes pin.
Repeat steps 1- 11 untill you have enough petals to make a flower. When you do, cut out a circle of the backing material of your choice. I used green craft felt.
Shape the petals with your fingers until they look good. Please make sure the glue is dry by then or they will unfold. Turn each petal around and place a dot of glue on the bottom. In this step I used hot glue to save time.
Add a button on the center or any embelishments you like. These flowers can be worn on anything. I glue this one to a head band. I made soem felt leaves to add more color:D
Now time to rock my new hair piece! Comments and Criticism appreciated!