Cut Out + Keep

Easy Ginormous Wall Letters

Buy expesive ones, or make some that can be personalized to my specific taste, tough decison.... • Posted by Lau5ren

SO you can go to hobby-lobby and but just one letter for 2-4 dollars, or make your own for free. I pick the second one. Sorry the pictures are kind of grainy and crummy, It is the phone I am taking pictures with. PS. Sorry for my ugly ripped curtains also. And, if you don't like them once you put them up, at least they where made of paper, and easy to be made.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 25


Nice & Simple
Medium imag0262 2


SO you can go to hobby-lobby and but just one letter for 2-4 dollars, or make your own for free. I pick the second one. Sorry the pictures are kind of grainy and crummy, It is the phone I am taking pictures with. PS. Sorry for my ugly ripped curtains also. And, if you don't like them once you put them up, at least they where made of paper, and easy to be made.


  1. OK, so first pick the word you want. I picked GLOW since that is my favorite word right now. You could Princess, or perfect, or Beauty, or Inspire or Love, whatever you want. PS. Sorry, the website I think cut off some of my pictures.

  2. So now, get one piece of any paper you want (I chose printer paper, I felt like that was easiest) for each letter of your word. I of course, needed four, so I got four, Next, go onto Google Images (or whatever search engine you use) and Search "Images of the letter --" and find which ever one you like. (try to remember the website name if you can, if your letters are going to match) It should be kinda plain, if you can. Now make the image it's original size (click on the image then on the button that says "original size") and place your paper lightly on the computer screen, so that the letter is in the middle-ish of the paper, hopefully, you can see through the paper sort of well.

  3. Trace REALLY LIGHTLY the letter onto the paper, enough so you can see see the letter, but you are not going through the paper and damaging the screen. Do this with the rest of the letters, one letter each paper.

  4. Once you have all your letters, some might be a bit ugly, I know, so erase the ugly lines and draw pretty ones in, ha ha. Now your letters should look more like letters. Now take your ruler and pencil...

  5. You want about and inch off the paper, just telling you now. The round letters are a bit tougher, so keep that in mind ass you go. Take your ruler and with your letter, draw tabs around your letter, about an inch away like I said, sorry I didn't take pictures of this part. You don't have to put tabs all the way around, just about every half inch. Don't put tabs on thin parts, and save curvey parts for last. With round letters it is easier to make less tabs but longer. I am trying to think of a better way to explain tabs and how to do them. If you can't understand, then you can do this: (which is a bit harder but easier to understand)

  6. With your ruler, go about an inch away from your letter, draw nicely and try to be straight, all the way around the letter, excluding divots. Draw lines in-between your outline, about one every inch. If you want to paint or draw in your letter, now is the time to do it.

  7. Now cut out your letter and the tabs/outlines. Now once that is cut, you can cut the lines in between (the tab dividers sort of, if you can understand my phrasing) It is like a cut-here sort of thing. Now fold all your tabs back.

  8. Get a few small pieces of tape ready now. One at a time tape each tab to another, carefully! With the round letters, sometimes they don't look all that round, sorry bout that. With the edged letters, make sure you curve the tape with the edge. so it stays curved. With my L I taped the vertical part together like a V, I thought that would be easiest. It worked out. Do this with all of your letters until you are done.

  9. So, you have large letters to hang up, Hope they turned out. If you have any questions, I will certainly respond :) Sorry my instructions where a little confusing. I am a little confusing as is ;) PS. I hart comments :)