• Posted by DK Books
This simple-shaped jumper is an ideal fair isle starter project, as it combines this traditional technique of colour patterning with easy-to-work stripes. The fair isle patterns have short floats, so there is no need to weave them in at the back of the work. Size To fit an adult woman S (M:L) Tension 21sts and 25 rows over 10cm (4in) in patt on 4.5mm (UK7/US7) needles Special Abbreviations M1P (Make 1st purlwise): Pick up loop before next st and slip it onto LH needle, p this st.
This simple-shaped jumper is an ideal fair isle starter project, as it combines this traditional technique of colour patterning with easy-to-work stripes. The fair isle patterns have short floats, so there is no need to weave them in at the back of the work. Size To fit an adult woman S (M:L) Tension 21sts and 25 rows over 10cm (4in) in patt on 4.5mm (UK7/US7) needles Special Abbreviations M1P (Make 1st purlwise): Pick up loop before next st and slip it onto LH needle, p this st.
Chart Read all odd number (RS) rows from right to left, and all even number (WS) rows from left to right. Key A: Stone (pale grey) B: Sky grey (deep blue) C: Gorse (gold) D: Lavender (purple) E: Sunset (guava pink)
Back Using needles A and yarn E, cast on 101 (113:125) sts. Change to yarn A. row 1 (rS): K2, *p1, k2; rep from * to end. row 2: P2, *k1, p2; rep from * to end. Cont to work in rib until you have completed 7 rows, ending on a RS row. NEXT row (wS): P1, M1P, p to last st, M1P, p1. (103 (115:127) sts) Change to needles B and beg with a k row as shown in row 1 of the chart. Work in st st in patt, stranding yarn not in use loosely across the WS of work. Read chart on p84 from right to left on RS (k) rows and from left to right on WS (p) rows. Both RS and WS rows will start and end with stitch 1 in the chart. Cont until you have completed 3 full patt reps plus rows 1–4, ending on a WS row. Cont to work in stripe patt as foll: 4 rows in A, 2 rows in E, 4 rows in A, 2 rows in B, 4 rows in A, 2 rows in C, 4 rows in A, and 2 rows in D. rep these 24 rows. At the same time, when the work measures 35 (37:39)cm (14 (141/2:151/2)in) from beg, ending on a wS row.
Shape armholes Cont in stripe patt as written above. Cast off 4 (5:6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. (95 (105:115) sts) rowS 3, 5, 7, ANd 9: K1, skpo, k to last 3sts. K2tog, k1. rowS 4 ANd 6: P1, p2tog tbl, p to last 3sts, p2tog, p1. row 8: P. (83 (93:103) sts) Cont without shaping until the armhole measures 21(23:24)cm (8(91/4:91/2)in) ending with a WS row.
Shape back neck and shoulders Cont working in stripe patt as set, k across 27 (29:31) sts, turn, leave rem sts on a spare needle and work each side separately. Row 1 (wS): P1, p2tog, p to end of row. Row 2: K to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. Row 3: Rep row 1. (24 (26:28) sts) Castoff. With RS facing, slip the centre 29 (35:41) sts to a holder for the back neck. Rejoin yarn to rem 27 (29:31) sts and k to end of row. Row 1: P to last 3sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Row 2: K 1, skpo, k to end. Row 3: Rep row 1. Cast off.
Front Work as for the back until the work measures 10cm (4in) less than the back, ending on a WS row.
Shape front neck Keeping the striped patt as set, k across 34 (38:42) sts, turn, leave rem sts on a spare needle and work each side separately. Row 1 (wS): Cast off 2 (2:3) sts at beg of row, p to end. Row 2: K to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. Row 3: Rep row 1. Row 4: Rep row 2. Row 5: P1, p2tog, p to end of row. Rep row 4 and row 5 until 24 (26:28) sts rem. Cont without shaping until the front matches to the back shoulder, ending on a WS row. Cast off. With RS facing, slip centre 15 (17:19) sts to stitch holder for the centre front. Rejoin yarn to rem 34 (38:42) sts and k to end of row. Row 1 (wS): P to last 3sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Row 2: Cast off 2 (2:3) sts at beg of row, k to end.
leeves (make 2) Using needles A and yarn E, cast on 47 (50:53) sts. Change to yarn A and work in rib as written for the back for 11 rows. 1st and 3rd sizes only Next Row (wS): P1, M1P, p to last st, M1P, p1. (49 (55) sts) 2nd size only Next Row (wS): P1, M1P, p to end. (51sts) All sizes Change to needles B and starting at row 1, work from the chart until you have completed rows 1–4. RS rows will start with stitch 1 in the chart and end with stitch 1 (3:1). WS rows will start with stitch 1 (3:1) in the chart and end with stitch 1. Row 5 (RS): Using yarn B, k1 M1, k to last st, M1, k1. Cont with patt, until 24 rows of patt are completed, then cont working in yarn A without any pattern. At the same time, inc 1st at each end of every foll 6th row until there are 67 (71:77) sts; then on every foll 8th row until there are 77 (81:87) sts. Cont without shaping until the sleeve measures 45 (46:47)cm (173/4 (18:181/2)in) from cast-on edge, ending on a WS row.
Shape sleeve head Cast off 4 (5:6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. (69 (71:75) sts) Next row: K1, skpo, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. Next row: P1, p2tog, p to last 3sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Rep last 2 rows twice more. (57 (59:63) sts) Cast off 8 (8:9) sts at beg of next 6 rows. Cast off rem 9 (11:9) sts.
neckband Join shoulder seams. Using needle C and yarn A, with RS facing and beg at left shoulder, pick up and k26 evenly down the left front neck, k across 15 (17:19) sts from front neck holder, then pick up and k26 evenly up the right front neck to the shoulder seam, pick up and k3 evenly down the back neck, k across 29 (35:41) sts from back neck holder, then pick up and k3 to the shoulder. (102 (110:118) sts) rouNd 1: P. rouNd 2: K. Rep rounds 1 and 2. 2nd size only Inc 1st at end of last round. (111sts) 3rd size only Dec 1st at end of last round. (117sts) All sizes rouNd 5: *K2, p1; rep from * to end. Work in rib as set for 6 rounds. Change to yarn E and work 1 round. Cast off loosely in rib.
making up Sew in all loose ends with a large-eyed needle. Join side and sleeve seams, being careful to match the pattern. With the centre of the sleeve matching the shoulder seam, sew in the sleeve. Block lightly (see p238) according to the yarn’s ballband.