• Posted by aneniine
I will be adding pictures of me or somebody else wearing these costume items soon. I hope you like my project, don't be afraid of so many steps, it isn't hard to make this costume! :)
I will be adding pictures of me or somebody else wearing these costume items soon. I hope you like my project, don't be afraid of so many steps, it isn't hard to make this costume! :)
TO MAKE THE TAIL: Grab your materials- *fabric or felt (i used both because i didn't had enough felt) *needle and thread matching color (or use sewing machine instead) *and stuffing (cotton,felt pieces,anything you want) *scissors and something to draw on the felt/fabric.
Now draw the pattern of the tip of the tail. It's the pointy part of the tail and it should be a bit rounded, similar to the picture i draw in paint to show you. Also measure how long and wide you want your tail to be. Don't make it too wide as it will look bulky.
Now draw each part (the tip of the tail and tail itself) on the felt or fabric. I recommend you to use felt for the pointy part, because felt makes a nice shape for it. I would have used felt also for the long tail part, but i didn't had long enough felt.
Now place your tail pieces together and sew closed. I hand sewed everything and it took some time for me. So,if you need to make everything fast, then better use sewing machine.
Now it's one of the hardest parts. Turning inside out your tail. I used crochet hook first, but then i used a pencil.
Now the stuffing part. This also wasn't too easy to do, because the tail is very long. To make the process easier, take a pencil or a stick to stuff the tail.
Now for the tip of the tail. Take one triangle piece and on the wrong side of it, mark how big you will leave the gap when sewing. So, the gap will be as wide as the tail is. (I hope you understand.
Now take two triangle pieces and put with right sides together. Start sewing from one of the marks you just draw on the felt piece.
When you're finished sewing, turn inside out.
Stuff your tip of the tail, but leave some free space in the middle, so the tail fits in. Now take one of the tail ends and put in the triangle shape's gap. Start sewing together the tail and the pointy end.
It should look like this now. :)
Now take the other end of the tail and fold the outer edges of it to the inside. Use a pin so they stay in place.
Now the last step for the tail - sew this end closed. To attach the tail to clothes, sew a ribbon, elastic or safety pin to this end of the tail. :)
And your tail is ready for wearing!
For the horns...I can't copy other peoples projects, so i can say that i used this Cat Morley's project to make the devil horns! ;)
For the mask. (Make yourself a mask if you don't know what make-up you should put on) Draw your pattern on a paper first. Then draw on the cardboard and cut out. Then i added glitter, one color at a time(put on glue before you add glitter!). After the glitter was dried, i painted the mask red where i didn't added glitter.
I put a coat of clear craft glue on top of the glitter to prevent them from falling off. I also added elastic to my mask, so i can wear it everywhere.
My finished mask looks like this. Now you're done with the attributes! Put on some red or black clothes and these attributes and you're ready to celebrate! ;)