• Posted by Katie G.
As for the budget... it really depends on whether or not you have all of this on hand, and whether you have a good dollar store nearby. I managed to find the eggs, floral brick, fabric flowers, bucket (though that was $2!), rocks, skewers and random embellishments all at the dollar store. I had the ribbon, embroidery floss, tissue paper, glue gun (and of course scissors) on hand... and I pilfered the twigs from my dad's trees that he happened to be pruning. I didn't skimp on the chocolates though, because dollar store chocolates just aren't as good. Haha. So whether this is "getting pricey" or "reasonably priced" really depends on what you've got on hand and nearby.
As for the budget... it really depends on whether or not you have all of this on hand, and whether you have a good dollar store nearby. I managed to find the eggs, floral brick, fabric flowers, bucket (though that was $2!), rocks, skewers and random embellishments all at the dollar store. I had the ribbon, embroidery floss, tissue paper, glue gun (and of course scissors) on hand... and I pilfered the twigs from my dad's trees that he happened to be pruning. I didn't skimp on the chocolates though, because dollar store chocolates just aren't as good. Haha. So whether this is "getting pricey" or "reasonably priced" really depends on what you've got on hand and nearby.
1. I started first by making the eggs. This was definitely the most time consuming part. It took me a few hours per egg. I used the following designs: Origami eggs by Martha Stewart (I only made one of these... wasn't *too* fond of it - I found that there were too many creases in the paper, and it didn't turn out quite as pretty as the article shows, at least with my version. It might be the difference between using styrofoam eggs vs. blown out, real eggs. But I chose styrofoam, because I want mine to last longer and not be as fragile) Thread-wrapped eggs by Martha Stewart. And glittered eggs.
2. Cut your foam floral brick to fit inside the bucket, and place it securely inside. Begin arranging your twigs/branches in the foam brick.
3. Hang your eggs on the tree, in some sort of pleasant arrangement. (Don't glue them down yet)
4. For the bottom of the tree, I found some small Easter eggs on wires at the dollar store, and jabbed them in the bottom of the foam brick. I also made "flowers" using two different techniques. The first is two squares of tissue paper (in this case, I used a larger green square and a smaller pink square) cut into flower shapes (I used this technique to get my flowers symmetrical) and then glued them onto a skewer, using a glue gun. Then I took a little chocolate Easter egg and jabbed it into the bamboo skewer. The other type of flower I made is pretty much the same, except I used fabric flowers instead (be careful when you use the glue gun with the fabric, especially if you use the little green plastic part of the flower... if you leave it there too long, it might melt). Jab the flowers into the foam brick (you may choose to cut the bamboo skewer down... I liked it a bit taller though, so that the chocolate underneath can still be accessed easily)
5. Once everything is arranged the way you like it, hot glue the ribbon from the eggs onto the branches of the trees so that they don't slide. At this point, I also took a few little "chicks" that I found at the dollar store, and glued them to a few of the branches.
6. Now that everything is in place, take your Easter basket grass (I found some really pretty wooden fibre grass, as opposed to the slightly more tacky plastic counterpart) and cover up the foam brick. On top of that, place your floral arrangement rocks. Cover that all up with pretty pastel coloured chocolates. As the chocolates get eaten, you'll be left with just the grass and the pebbles. Now you're done! Sit back and enjoy your lovely creation :)