Earring Hanger With Pantyhose

My version of Earring Hanger by ofenjen

Posted by Dayi


so I had this pair of pantyhose that I really didn't like on Me,and I wanted a place to put all My earrings...
then it was born :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Plastic Picture Frame
  • Pantyhose
  • Scissors
  • Fabric Glue

Steps (5 steps, 50 minutes)

  1. 1

    first.. cut the end of one of the legs in the pantyhose..

  2. 2

    grab that leg and slide it in the back part of the frame (the one that goes on the wall)

  3. 3

    now u will have something like this...
    cut the extra pantyhose (the side that goes to the rest of the pantyhose)

  4. 4

    fold the extra fabric to the back,the part that will be facing the wall...
    glue the pieces with fabric glue, mount the frame and hang all ur earrings :)

  5. 5

    yay now u have ur earring hanger! locate the hole for the nail and use the scissor to make a little one,u can use a piece of lace or u can put it in ur dresser....
    *tip u can use the normal skin color pantyhose and make a bohemian,natural plants look,just use ur imagination :)and u can decorate the frame..