Cut Out + Keep

Earbud Earrings

Show your love for your Ipod with these nifty earbud earrings! • Posted by

I recommend using old earbuds for this project. If you end up making these, please take a picture and show me!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium img 1796 1195865395


I recommend using old earbuds for this project. If you end up making these, please take a picture and show me!


  1. Cut earbuds from wires, right at the base of the earbud (where the wire goes into the earbud).

  2. Open crimps wide using pliers.

  3. Use pliers to shape crimps around earbuds.

  4. Using super glue (or whatever type you have handy - the stronger the better) glue crimps to earbuds.

  5. Insert earring hooks through holes in crimps, and viola! Two new earbud earrings. :D