Cut Out + Keep

Ear Cuffs

easy and fast ear cuffs for unpierced ears :) have fun! • Posted by cherylmjacob

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium img 20130626 111321



  1. Small img 20130626 103759

    Take a wire and bend one of its edges using pliers.

  2. Small img 20130626 105459

    Twist the wire in any desired shape. according to the size of your ear adjust the width. broader the better. Don't make it too wide. you can also add beads in between. i have added a very few.

  3. Small img 20130626 105608

    hold it against something round/circular to make the ear cuff round.

  4. Small img 20130626 111321

    here you go! u add another wire at the bottom to make the hangings with beads :)