How bout an easy color-splash fashion accessory?
I tried my hand at going eco-green and recon'd an old Tshirt into this dyed n' braided fabric necklace.
So fun! I can't decide how I like to wear it best.
Oh, and want to give a shout out to OOLAMOOLA that posted a super cool tutorial for a braided necklace that inspired me to make my own. It's a very nifty site, worth a gander, friends!
Key West Witch added Dyed N' Braided Necklace to Jewelry 30 Jun 04:48
Step 2
Here's some of the stages:
1- Open the loops on one side. I staggered this spot so those awkward side seams would land in different spots of the necklace. Then I slid beads onto the fabric strips to cover the seam bulk.
2- Knot the strips in a few places.
3-Bind with rubber bands in a few more places.
4-I dyed it first with 1/2 bottle RIT tangerine dye mixed in 1 gallon of very hot 140º water for about 15 min. If the tap water's not hot enough, just heat some in the tea kettle or microwave.
5-Then the knots and rubber bands are removed.
6-Next, mix 2Tbsp of RIT Rose Pink in an additional gallon of hot water and immerse the fabric strips for about 5 minutes.
Contact me here if you have a concern.