Cut Out + Keep

Dust Puff

Featuring the biggest dust puff ever found; Princess! • Posted by Kin Dragon

I used a tutorial on Pinterest to make this which was originally supposed to be a Harry Potter Pygmy puff but after I made it I remembered Pygmy puffs are eithor pink or purple. But then I remembered my old “dust puff” creation and realized this could pass off as the biggest one on record! Lol

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 2018 06 14 220026 0a00e772 7732 451d a264 5ef15fd149de


I used a tutorial on Pinterest to make this which was originally supposed to be a Harry Potter Pygmy puff but after I made it I remembered Pygmy puffs are eithor pink or purple. But then I remembered my old “dust puff” creation and realized this could pass off as the biggest one on record! Lol
