• Posted by Stitch.Me
This tutu involves no cutting or tying. Just pleat, pin, and wear! It's simple and will DEFINITELY make heads turn! hehe. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my duo tone tutu!!! I used purple and black but you can use any two colors of your wish or just make it one toned!!! ENJOY!!!
This tutu involves no cutting or tying. Just pleat, pin, and wear! It's simple and will DEFINITELY make heads turn! hehe. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my duo tone tutu!!! I used purple and black but you can use any two colors of your wish or just make it one toned!!! ENJOY!!!
First you need to gather both colors of your tulle fabric.I recommend having a dark color and light color to compliment each other.
Fold each tulle in half for extra puffiness.Put the dark color on top of the lighter color(or vice versa) as shown in the picture.
After that, you should pleat them together, like so
Place the pleated tulle against the long ribbon.
Attach the tulle to the ribbon using safety pins.
After you have attached the tulle to the ribbon with a safety pin, repeat steps 1 through 5 until you have a finished DUO TONE SAFETY PIN TUTU!!!