Cut Out + Keep

Duct Tape Rose

Based on Duct Tape Rose by Ashasaurus13 • Posted by Paige R.

These little things are ADDICTING. I've made nine of them since yesterday. Followed the tutorial from the original project, but I got the idea of making them into a pen from this project ( I had made a few fuller looking roses, but as I was making this one, I stopped after adding nine petals and went "Oh, now that's cute..."

You will need


0 h 13


Pretty Easy
Medium 3 1280887184 Medium 4 1280887295


These little things are ADDICTING. I've made nine of them since yesterday. Followed the tutorial from the original project, but I got the idea of making them into a pen from this project ( I had made a few fuller looking roses, but as I was making this one, I stopped after adding nine petals and went "Oh, now that's cute..."
