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"Duck Soup" For Sick Ferrets

Duck soup, sick ferrets, • Posted by Kirsten B.

Now as some of you guys know I own ferrets. I use to have 6, people just kept abandoning them to us. And as they got older they'd get sick, and there's not many vets who know what to do. This is the definition of Duck soup. -Duck soup is often used to feed ferrets who are sick, recovering from illness, geriatric or simply need to gain weight. Duck soup is a homemade formula that is high in both protein and calories, and is designed to help your ferret gain weight and get healthy. There are many variations of duck soup, most can be made with products that you already have in your kitchen at home.

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Pretty Easy
Medium hpim2858 1269589426


Now as some of you guys know I own ferrets. I use to have 6, people just kept abandoning them to us. And as they got older they'd get sick, and there's not many vets who know what to do. This is the definition of Duck soup. -Duck soup is often used to feed ferrets who are sick, recovering from illness, geriatric or simply need to gain weight. Duck soup is a homemade formula that is high in both protein and calories, and is designed to help your ferret gain weight and get healthy. There are many variations of duck soup, most can be made with products that you already have in your kitchen at home.


  1. Small hpim2856 1269589286

    Gather your ingredients. Try to get the same, or close to, flavors in the baby food and kitten food.

  2. Small hpim2857 1269589486

    Open your can and jar and empty them into a Tupperware. I use all of each that way I can store it. The kitten food doesn't store real well in the can. Also add the 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix all together into it's blended.

  3. Small hpim2858 1269589619

    It should be kind of chunky, this is where the water comes in. You don't want too much water but you don't want the mixture to be too thick. Ferrets are small, and this is for sick ones so it needs to be easy to swallow. A little watery is fine, you need to find a good balance.

  4. Small hpim2861 1269589722

    This is the finished project. Pour a little into a jar lid and leave it for your ferret to nibble on when they want. The good part of making this homemade is you save lots of money, and if your little one doesn't like it you can always try different recipes:D