Cut Out + Keep

Dry Erase Menu Planner

How To : Dry Erase Menu Planner • Posted by Tawny B.

As part of our self-improvement regimen, Terry and I have decided to be more vigilant with our menu planning. That way we will not feel like going out to eat as much as we go. Or at least that's the idea. We tried writing the menu on a piece of paper and tacking it to the fridge. That worked fine, but it just wasn't pretty. So... I needed to fix that - pronto! Follow along with me as I make a pretty dry erase menu planner.

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1 h 00


Medium img 3641 Medium img 3632


As part of our self-improvement regimen, Terry and I have decided to be more vigilant with our menu planning. That way we will not feel like going out to eat as much as we go. Or at least that's the idea. We tried writing the menu on a piece of paper and tacking it to the fridge. That worked fine, but it just wasn't pretty. So... I needed to fix that - pronto! Follow along with me as I make a pretty dry erase menu planner.


  1. Small img 3633

    Go to your computer and find a cool picture and make the "Menu" title and the days of the week. Print it out. I looked up "free menu clipart" on Google images and found my little menu icon. Then I used 60 pt Apple Chancery font for the "Menu" and 36 pt Apple Chancery font for the days of the week.

  2. Small img 3634

    Cut out the various pieces. Cut close to the wording because you want most of the dry erase board to be used for menu planning. Arrange them on your dry erase board the way you want them. I left more room for the weekend because those are the days that we always make something good.

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    Get out the Mod Podge and carefully apply it to all the days, the menu title and the menu icon. Try not to make it go much past the paper because again we want most of the dry erase board to be usable for menu planning. Note: Terry likes this project for a couple of reasons. One of them being the use of Mod Podge. He thinks it's a funny name and therefore a cool material to work with.

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    Cut out some scrap fabric and cover your dry erase frame. I didn't want to get the fabric into the inside of the frame because the board wouldn't fit back together, so it was tricky to glue into place. It probably took me a good 45 minutes to carefully glue the fabric to the frame. And then it didn't go on very nicely. But don't worry, we'll cover up our boo boos later!

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    Make a long strand of fabric for a hook. Or you could use the one attached to the frame if you like. I didn't want to use the attached one because I wasn't going to nail this to the wall. I needed a nice fabric hook in order to pin it to our large bulletin board that we have in the kitchen.

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    Glue the hook onto the top and decorate with lace, beads, flowers, whatever you like. I used the beads to cover up some of the mistakes I made heheehe

  7. Hang it up! I apologize for the art school craft project look of my menu planner, but I really like it. And Terry says that the lace around the edges makes it look "sexy" whatever that's supposed to mean?

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    It's a nice addition to my kitchen! :)